[The Livingthrugrace Crew have discovered a new treat. Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Seed Bars!! Clawdie's thrilled as she's a bit of a chocoholic :D ]
It's summer season and that means hot humid and moist from summer storms, not to mention depending on where you live, dust storms, smog and other offenders, Yikes! People who live with Asthma and other lung diseases need to take head and be prepared on all levels, and that means taking your asthma management meds, being mindful of your environment( toxins, smoke, pet dander...) and staying aware of what your'e putting into your body. I go into detail about this in my blog posts listed under Asthma health & Care, and Allergic Living.

[These ladies are getting a double dose of Magnesium with Pumpkin Seeds & Magnesium! ]

[ These past exactly like what they are, chocolate and pumpkin seeds. ]
Seeds, so small yet powerful and chock full of Anti-Asthma nutrition! In fact, their a healthy addition for everyone because they contain so many healing properties. Pumpkin are the least likely seeds to cause an allergic reaction in most people so they're very allergy friendly. The oils in pumpkin seeds contain Anti inflammatory properties, which helps keep the bronchial tubes smooth and relaxed for better breath management, not to mention arthritis pain control, and other illness and ailments that stem from inflammation.

[ These are our gifts...]
Pumpkin seeds contain Magnesium, which helps with our Cellular Metabolism that's responsible for sustaining a normal heartbeat. The meds used for asthma management can be taxing on the heart, as well as struggling to breathe so magnesium plays a major role for asthma management. (It's actually utilized by doctors to treat heath beat irregularities). Magnesium supports heart and bone function, as well as blood pressure management.

[Take care of your heart you only have one!! ]
It's reported that most Americans are deficient in this important mineral, along with many others because our modern soil is depleted of these nutrients. Only a 1/4 cup you can get half of the daily recommended amount required, and it's not hard get in, even of you don't like seeds by simply adding them to salads, or smoothies where you'll never know they're there!

[ Clawdie is always craving chocolate, and that can be a big sign of Magnesium Deficiency. Snacks like these pumpkin seed bars support her health and her taste buds! ]

[ Looks like we have a winner for Clawdie! ]
Pumpkin seeds can be added to baked goods, and what's great is that you can buy or make your own Pumpkin Seed Powder by grinding them up in your blender( a high powered blender or coffee/spice grinder will get the powdered effect you're after). Once pumpkin seeds are ground there are endless possibilities and ways to incorporate them into your meals. I'm going to start adding powdered pumpkin seeds into my meat balls for my hubby prostate health. These seeds have played an important role in men's health and it's because pumpkin seeds have a high Zinc content and the prostate has the highest concentration of this mineral.
Pumpkin seeds may be beneficial in helping to manage blood sugar and insulin levels and help prevent other issues that come along with diabetes.
These super seeds are full of body loving fiber, good fats and are a great source of tryptophan (an amino acid that becomes Serotonin and then converts to Melatonin) to help get a deeper more restful sleep.

[ It's good to have support when you're struggling with food allergies or issues

[ Clawdie was addicted to processed sweets full of artificial ingredients that made her asthma worse, not she's discovering foods that support her health! ]
Most all seeds and nuts are coated with Anti nutrients, phytic acids that can make them difficult to digest and cause tummy and other digestive issues for some. These anti nutrients also cause the seeds and nuts to be less bioavailable when eaten so you're getting less of the benefits from them. You may have heard of soaking seeds before using them, it rids them of those anti nutrients and makes all the health boosting nutrients available.

[ When we help our cells the help they help us! ]
I know you're thinking, but I don't have time for all of that! :D It's really so simple, you just add water to a large bowl (Twice the amount as the seeds) and add the seeds and cover with a towel or top and soak for about 7-12 hours. (I leave mine to soak overnight). Leave them on a stove or counter top and go back to your life! :D
After your'e soaked your seeds or nuts drain them in a colander and rinse well. Now you're ready to dehydrate (dry) them to yummy crunchiness! If you own a dehydrator they can dry at 105-155 degrees until they're crispy, usually overnight or so. If you don't have a dehydrator, the seeds can be dried slowly in your oven, place them on a large tray or cookie sheet (I would use parchment paper for easy clean up or if you're adding flavorings like sea salt, spices, or sweeteners). Set your oven no higher than 150 degrees for 12 to 24 hours. Check to ensure they don't burn.

[ So many meals could benefit from the addition of these little seeds, what about a pumpkin soup topped with roasted pumpkin seeds!! ]
Now you have fully digestible seeds or nuts that and you're able to control what goes onto them!!! I love adding before dehydrating, a little coconut oil, sea salt, and cracked pepper or honey or maple syrup and vanilla and cinnamon my absolute favorite!!! You can roast your seeds after dehydrating if you prefer a roasted flavor, simply place seeds on a tray and place into your oven for about 170 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Always keep watch because seeds burn quickly and easily! Seeds can also be sprouted and I'll discuss that in an upcoming blog post. :D
Were provided with so many foods, plants, herbs and other edibles that were put here for our health and healing. Isn't it time we got back to nature and embrace the bounty?
"Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security." ~Jeremiah 33:6
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