Meet Debi
Hi Everyone,
I’m so happy to welcome you to my corner of the world! Get cozy, grab yourself a cuppa, (Joe or Tea!), and travel with me on this soul refreshing journey of life lived better through the grace of God and the blessings of obtaining health and wellness through faith and natural living and healing.
I’m a believer that the purpose of our life’s journey’s is to reach out and share, elevate, encourage and teach one another using the gifts given to us through our creator and the experiences we’ve survived.
~ 1Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
I realize I’ve come a long way, yet have so much further to go in my journey… It is my hope that I can impact and impress onto others the joys, struggles, and the beauty of living life on God’s terms, that includes caring for our bodies effectively in a ‘toxic’ filled world.
For a good majority of my life I have lived with Allergies/Food Allergies and Asthma, however, a few years back I suddenly begin experiencing numerous symptoms seemingly out of the blue. My symptoms ranged from chronic ear/sinus infections, sudden Chronic Asthma, chronic heartburn, migraine like headaches, skin rashes and Extreme Vertigo.
I’d seen every type of doctor available only for them to be unable to come to any complete conclusion as to the cause or triggers for my sudden diminishing conditions. I was also put on a number of ‘pills’ and told that I’d probably have to be on them permanently.
Here is where I Know the Lord came in and took the reigns. As I was deep in my own research, I was led into the world of Raw Foods (around the very beginnings of that movement) and using them to heal the body. I was also shown how even though I thought I and my hubby ate pretty healthy, many of the products we regularly engaged in contained harmful and or hidden ingredients that I was allergic to but because these ingredients were written as ‘hidden’ words (such as Calcium Glutamate; another word for MSG or Hydrolyzed Casein another word for Dairy for which I’m highly allergic). After my extensive research (this was back before so much was out there on safe and clean eating), I realized that I had been slowly poisoning myself!!!
A learned to adopt a diet of clean food meaning food in as natural form as possible or food with Only clean RECOGNIZABLE ingredients, and loads of raw foods in the form of fruits veggies and Green Smoothies! Smoothies were a godsend! Fruit, veggies and greens blended with blood and liver cleansing herbs such as Parsley and Cilantro, Fresh Raw Veggie juices and other goodies literally Saved My Life!! My symptoms dissipated and I was able to come off those nasty meds with side effects that made me feel worse than my symptoms!
I knew I was put through this experience for a reason and that is why I’m passionate about sharing and inspiring others to believe that taking charge of what we put into and onto our body and in our home environments has a significant impact on the quality of our health, well being and lives.
It is in this cozy space where we can gather together as allied friends sharing our experiences, and stories on our journey of faith, health & wellness, and lifestyle endeavors for everyday living.
Come on in and stay a while!
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