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Juicing Through Stress & Grief

As traumatic periods in our lives ebb and flow, having an arsenal of support is key. 🔑

The Lord carries us even when it doesn’t feel like it. Keep close to Him and deep in His Word.

Wearing that belt of truth will help navigate through emotions that can keep us caught up.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. -John 14:27

Taking care of our body is another often gets dropped when we’re caring for others in their time of need.

Stress already drains our adrenals and raises our cortisol levels which makes it tough for an already stressed body to function. Keeping the body ( though you may not ‘feel’ like it), running on nutrient dense foods is as important as our emotional health support.

[ My parents have cared for me throughout my life, and now it’s time I water their gardens…]

I’m in a time of my life where my mom is suffering from most possible dementia. Witnessing her degrade, yet still being aware that this is happening is heartbreaking. 💔 Her frustration and fear of not understanding what’s happening and being caught in what we call memory loops

( asking the same questions of actions which only just occurred, or caught in the same conversation over and again- memory loops ).

Supporting my dad who’s managing this new phase in life while still meeting his responsibilities is challenging. Oh, and did I mention that dad recovered from a surgery to remove multiple blood clots from his lungs?

As for now, we’re trying to settle into a routine. Mom’s long term memory is great and she’s able to have conversations, watch movies etc… I’m learning to enjoy the moments with her instead of constantly grieving what’s lost, though I know that’s normal..

We’ve been blessed to have both mom and dad for 80-plus years and focusing on God’s blessings as well as trusting in His plans carries me through.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:9

Yep, stress, fear, deep sadness, feeling helpless take a toll. I’m also dealing with managing hypertension and my doctor tells me my numbers are ‘normal’ for my age. I don’t accept that. Time for self advocacy 🙋🏽‍♀️.

I’ve switched from regular decaf coffee to and organic brand that’s 99.9% of caffeine ( many decaf still have a significant enough amount to effect health issues).

Purity Coffee is still delicious 😋 and free of toxins and mold which could also effect health issues🧐. Since switching coffee brands I don’t get a blood pressure spike AT ALL! The decaf is called Calm ☺️ I started with the coffee bags, like tea but coffee, and soon ordered the whole beans💃🏽

I’m not sponsored I just want to share this with other coffee lovers who may be experiencing side effects even with decaf. ☕️☕️☕️

[ My current juice mix up contains 1 head of organic celery 3 large cucumbers, 🥒 large knob of ginger 🫚 mixed greens- dark kale, spinach, and arugula 1 lime 🍋‍🟩 2 apples 🍏🍎 and large know of turmeric - no turmeric emoji! ]

I’ve also been juicing a more celery in my juice mix, my functional practitioner suggested, and I’ve had less bp spikes as well. While I’ve had medical scans ( ordered by my functional practitioner - not my primary, this is why I have alternative care, because they actually “look under the hood’ so to speak to dive deeper into health problems to check for clogged arteries and heart health, all checks out pretty normal, so I’m taking steps to do all I can whole health wise to keep this issue moving in a better direction.

One thing I’ve preached on this blog is to be your own advocate! Never accept the status quo, or limited understanding of traditional medicine ( btw - I have a good primary doctor and I respect him tremendously, but…there’s more than one road to travel in healing the body. )

Juicing both in preparation and consuming calms me, you could say it’s like one who bakes when stressed. The more I learn about juicing I understand why it has a calming effect on me. Juicing can increase our absorption of nutrients like B vitamins and antioxidants, vitamin C and zinc all which help to reduce anxiety and stress or depression.

I usually juice up whatever I have on hand, but I do like recipes and a couple of books I’ve had for a while because of the variety of healing juice recipes are

Crazy Sexy Juice by Kris Carr - while neither I nor my husband have cancer, but like the juice and nut milk recipes that recharge the body with healing nutrients.

Goodbye Lupus, Hello Delicious: Hyper Nourishing by Brooke Goldberg MD - Brook’s super smoothies and other raw food recipes are chalked full of not only disease healing foods for the body and mind

I’ve also followed Fully Raw Kristina for years☺️. Her app is a delight to use and filled with juices, smoothies and lots of raw foods recipes to dive into!

Another app I discovered recently is Pick Up Limes ( check out both these ladies you tube channels). This is a wonderful comprehensive app loaded with plant based recipes, everything from drinks to desserts.

[ Yes there’s real green juice in her glass 🤣. Nerd Life forever! ]

We live in a time where there are many paths to emotional, and physical wellness. Don’t try and do it all, learn what works for you and incorporate what fits your lifestyle. Taking time to take care of ourselves is crucial so that we can function more effectively and efficiently for those who need us.

In the next part of this series I’ll be showing what’s in my cup😋😁🍶🫖 how I hydrate and increase my intake of other liquid nutrients. 👏🏽👏🏽


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