Each year since the pandemic has brought about changes, both in the world and in myself. I'm learning not to run away or distract from the sadness, the changes in world bring, but embracing them because sometimes we need to just sit with the sadness. It's how we handle them that's important.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
😂🤣😂🤣 anyone else been there?
The road through sadness must be traveled to make it to the other side. My husband and I have taken some difficult health hits since 2023 landed🤨🤪 and all I wanted to do was to was evade and distract. Lesson learned... ( we can't out run life --) The Lord and His wonderous ways!✨🙌🏽
Seek the LORD and his presence continually! Chronicles 16:11
God is the foundation and everything else is gravy. Pruning is a painful process! Slowing down to stay in step with the Lord is necessary. Focusing on intention and reflection in my daily life and not hurriedly marching ahead - like the Tortise and the Hare - is what so many of us need.
Do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what it the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans12:2

( Trader Joe's always providing affordable flowers for everyday life ☺️)

( My Emma Bridgewater Mugs add floral joy to every day😌💐)
( Books bring nature near when we can't be in it)
Ducks featured: Buds ☺️
Books shown:
The Wood by John Lewis Stempel
Still Water by John Lewis Stempel
Golden Guide Birds by Herbert S. Zim, Ph.D and Ira N. Gabriel son, LL.D, D. sc.
218 Mammals A Guide To Familiar American Species by Herbert S. Zim, Ph.D and Donald F. Hoffmeister, Ph.D
Seeing Silence The Beauty Of The World's Most Quiet Places by Pete McBride
( Looking at pleasing to the eye objects, especially ones that are nature bound- floral for me😌 is a small thing that's a big thing in my world. Who doesn't love a Lego bouquet?!)
Lego flower kits found on
Though it's winter here, I'm stopping wherever I am to see and enjoy the unnoticed. Being focused on graditude, and thanking God throughout the day keeps me connected and humbled.😌✨
He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way. Psalm 25:9

Taking refuge in simple rituals and simple beauty, (like tea moments) - (it's always been my comfort) -ceramics that bring a smile and replicate nature. Making time to enjoy the more books in our home library ( I'll have posts upcoming on my favorite coffee table and other favorite books and other simple pleasures throughout the year, stay tuned😉)

Using essential oils added to dish soap like citrus and rosemary to uplift, - in fact I keep citrus/herb scents throughout the house, it's become our homes signature scent it got us through the pandemic. I love having eucalyptus stems on hand for that invigorating lung friendly scent! It's wonderful the effect scent can have on us!🍊🍋🌱.

My favorite brand of candles, a coconut wax
base is red leaf home. They use essential oils and I love their citrus based candles and the smoky-woodsy scents!☺️. They've proved to be asthma and allergy friendly too🙌🏽

( Relax! It's good for the soul and aren't you worth it? Even 10-15 minutes can be rejuvenating for your brain and spirit✨)
Listening to uplifting podcasts ( I'm subbed to so many, but seldom get caught up😂), and music, or You Tube nature sounds, ( and don't we all know how fab those virtual fireplace vids are?💁🏽♀️☺️). Make time to just be if you don't know what you'd actually like to do
( ie...reading, simply relaxing,knitting). Brains need rest too.
Here are a couple of articles on why just resting, doing nothing is so good for our mind:
Article name: Doing Absolutely Nothing Has Mental Health Benefits by Francine Toder PH.D
( If these were marshmallows ☺️ I'd love to eat my way through a mountain of them!😋)
Eating with intention to keep me accountable to how much and what I'm eating 😬
( furthermore, when I'm eating good whole foods with healthy fats my body allows me to function in this world better.) 😛 🥑🥗🍗 --🍕🍪🍭. Who's with me on that?! Small adjustments - big lifestyle changes. But if I could eat my way out of a marshmallow cave...Yep!
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

( Reading is like a treadmill for the mind👏🏽👏🏽📚. Lately, I love a novella -short book.) These Zadie Smith essays ( Intimations) are reflections written during the early months of lockdown. What it means to submit to a new reality --or to resist it.✔️. I adore this Book of Proverbs by Alabaster filled with beautiful photography. Check them out for a full Bible collection!)
😂😂😂 Whelp!
I think many people hear those catchphrases like simple living and slow living and assume it means loafing off all day and shirking responsibilities. Not in my understanding. Living at a more present pace is how I interpret this. Living in full awareness of my and actions, motives and emotions -- because when I'm not I react differently than God desires me to and the realization comes Afterwards!🤨😌.
The continual studying of how God wants us to process feelings and behave in spite or because of them is daily work. Obedience is my focus, though we all spend our lifetime adhering to it... Slowing Down allows me the space to pay closer attention to how the Lord is leading me.
Whoever says he abides in Him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked. 1 John 2:6

I'm in the process of uncluttering a small boxy kitchen (NOT the one shown above🤣) along with the rest of our home😂 - ugh a task, especially with a pack rat hubby),
😁😜 so that I'm not annoyed when prepping foods and not having adequate space for anything...🤨🤪. I aim to create a calmer space throughout our home, that reflects how I'm choosing to live.
( Yess cookies -- because- balance!☺️🍪🍪)
Top pics: Homemade Nut Free Gluten Free granola
Far Left: Gluten Free Ramen with added veggies
Next Middle: Fresh juilanned collard greens ready for sautéeing
Treat: Bob's Red Mill Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix
Third Row: Sautéed collards, pinto beans and gluten free corn muffins
Middle: Fresh made green juice
End row: Rice porridge or Congee good for overworked stomachs 🤣- soothing
Last: Homemade veg stew with lots of little Yukon golden potatoes😋
Fuel up and enjoy food!
When we are stressed eating nutrient dense foods will allow us to function better; the act of remembering to care for ourselves, through God's Word, prayer, eating well, movement ( even light stretching), and getting adequate rest🙄 still working on that one😉.
I've been taking Melatonin and it works for the most part but the Nightmares that follow...I don't know if it's worth it😝. Many people report this same issue👻. Anyone else experiencing this? Caring for ourselves allows us to better care for loved ones, work better and handle life's challenges better.

More plants because I believe they care for us just as we care for them and the process of nurturing nature makes me feel closer to God.
O LORD, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; Psalm 104:24

( Fresh flowers whenever I can because they bring delight and connection to any space. Thanks God for your incredible creativity!!)
One adjustment I've made this year is LESS NEWS - on everything!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 More activities that nurture, less absorbing things that don't. I haven't always met this mark, but it's improving.
We know that what we feed our mind is what is grows on... Let's make the effort to feed it well. Both internally and externally. 😌🌷🪴🫒🫒🫖🎨🤾🏽♀️🤸🏽♂️🪀🪁🧩📚 -- get the point?☺️ The olives are in there as a reminder to get in those Good Fats like olives, seeds, or nuts, olive/ coconut oils ( if you can; good quality cheese), coconut, avocados, real butter and ghee( if not allergic), fish oils from salmon, mackerel, sardines or a good fish oil supplement, eggs ( if tolerant), dark chocolate, MCT oil, and grass fed beef ( if it's included in your diet).. Eat to nourish, to live!
Absorbing less toxic media entertainment like t.v shows, music etc... Focusing on the opposite.

We don't always get enough good fats and they're an important part of amping up our brains feel good chemicals, and don't we all need that?!!! Let's focus on this!!
2023 can be the catalyst for small changes that benefit our spiritual and physical well being regardless of what's changing in our world. Because that will keep right on happening.🥴🙌🏽✨