[ Glorious crunchy leaves under your feet... who doesn’t love it?💁🏽]
Seasons change and with it could bring on a shift in asthma triggers 🙄. It just doesn’t end - does it? But staying informed and knowing your body is the right path to living better asthma lives throughout the year.👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 The better you know your triggers the more you and your doctor will be able to pick up patterns with your asthma.
[ Oh wouldn't I love to frolic in those crispy leaves...I'll have to rely on my childhood memories! ]
For me, fall can be tricky, I have to stay on top of mold management both indoors and out. That means getting up those leaves 🍁 and not letting them sit on the ground to pile up to create a moist environment for mold growth. Decreasing outdoor time particularly during damp or wet fall days can be helpful. My lungs do love the cooler weather though, and I’m glad there’s something they’re happy about.☺️

[ Make sure you're prepped for asthma- with your meds and rescue inhaler if going to any pumpkin patch or orchard... ]
If you decorate with real pumpkins, make sure to check their condition after a while because they'll start to rot, or gather mold underneath because of the damp fall conditions. Many people like to decorate with hay or scented pinecones 🍂and other fall paraphernalia, but if your asthmatic or with someone who is, these can be triggers too.
Fall pollens...Whaaat?? More pollen issues🙇🏽♀️ Unfortunately it can be a problem (depending on your allergy triggers). Ragweed, sagebrush. And others that may be specific to where you live are lurking in the fall air. Ragweed is the biggest pollen trigger in the fall, and your asthma reactions will depend on the severity of the pollen count in your area of the country.

[ Although it’s tempting to hang outdoors, it can be just as nice admiring fall’s beauty from your favorite indoor spot with a cup of tea...☺️☕️🌱 ]
Cooler weather, though my lungs are loving this aspect of fall, it can bring on trouble for some, as the seasons change and get colder. Shifts in humidity levels or temperature in the environment can likely irritate our airways and bring on asthma flares. I know all of this is a pain in the patooty, but it's worth the extra care for better breathing!

Virus season, yes there are still other viruses in existence out there. Cold and flu will increase the risks of asthma issues; and asthmatics are more vulnerable to these viruses and to complications due to these viruses, because of sensitive lung tissues.
Weather complications like rain and hurricanes can be a trigger for asthma, and along with this means a rise in dirt and pollen levels in the air due to hard rains or winds.

[ These LivingThruGrace ladies are fall ready because they're prepared for any circumstance with informed asthma care and management! Now, they're out on the town in the Windy City! ]
We can still enjoy the fall season with asthma, we just have to keep up with asthma management and be prepped for our lifestyles, and the areas we live. Fall is my favorite season, and not just because of the beauty of the changing nature scenes, but I feel like I too am shedding - not leaves! :() - but shedding from life's events during the year, mistakes, spiritual setbacks and more. I'm preparing to renew for the next year, and I love that!
Feel free to check out our other fall blogs on pumpkin patch safety and other fall asthma tips under Asthma Health & Care!