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Keeping A Forgiving Attitude...

[ Roxy and Jeanine have a troubled relationship-though Janine has difficulties with most of the ladies in the Crew House. Roxy's been spending time in prayer asking God to change her, so that she can readily adapt to difficult situations in her

life. ]

Relationships can be wonderful, comforting and fill us with much needed love, however, they can also be challenging, hurtful and disappointing. We are flawed, we are fallen [ Thanks a lot Adam & Eve! :() ]. Because of this, all human relationships will fall short of meeting our needs and expectations. The only relationship that never fails us [ even though at times we may feel so] is the one we have with our Lord God. He understands our needs and desires, he knows us intimately, deeper than we know ourselves. Well, duh he created us! LOL! :()

[ No one understands the walls Janine has built up and she rarely tries to get along with anyone. She has some deep rooted anger issues that only the Lord can help her with. I know that living in the Living ThruGrace Crew house is just the place she needs to be even though she can't see it yet. ]

As we walk and grow in our relationship with the Lord, he will become better equipped to have relationships that aren't built on a house of cards, but built on a foundation of trust and obedience the Lord. One of the greatest hardships of any relationship [personal, business or just acquaintance], is the ability to forgive. When we hurt when we've been wronged it becomes so easy to turn and run, close the doors, or retaliate.

[ Another failed attempt; don't give up Roxy, God has this! ]

[ When we fail to seek the Lord with our troubles we wind up victims of our own undoing...]

Nevertheless, we're people, we act and react and we screw up...often. Working through our problems, and relationship hurdles with a kind, patient and understanding heart doesn't always happen, many times rarely happens. When we're pushed to the brink of our patience, nerves, and abilities often we just want the stress, pain [and aggravation] to stop, and using the Lord's way's is the furthest thing from our minds. :o

As much as I don't want to admit [or type!] it, God has been showing me [when I'm listening on this particular topic :^] that again, all events and troubles are orchestrated for our own good. He knows all of the outcomes. Our troubles are his way of refining us. But like many of you I continue to struggle back and forth in this area...

See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction. ~Isaiah 48:10

He's been trying to get through to me again, that biblical life is about glorifying God; it's about Him! I've had some growth, but I stumble...a Lot!

[ A quick tempered man does foolish things, and a crafty man is hated. ~Proverbs 14:17 The Living Thru Grace ladies are praying for Janine...]

Forgiving too, is more about him than us or the relationship, however, because we are in a relationship with Christ it becomes our desire to live righteously [ to please him]. I feel like I'm always repenting and apologizing for my stumbles; having Unforgiving thoughts that run through my mind like an unwarranted movie! :/ Does this happen to anyone else? :)

The deeper our relationship with our Lord, the better we're able to see how living and behaving in our own ways only create more disfunction ( Yeah, yeah, I know LOL! Ugh, life! ) that drive us further away from becoming the people God designed us to be. I for one am worn down being at the mercy of my feelings, and at the same time, they're so strong and often paralyzing in my reality:/ But I return to my Father, I repent, and I begin again the healing process of Forgiveness 2.0 the 'upgrade.' LOL! I just hope that I can experience a growth spurt so that my 'hard drive' wont keep malfunctioning! LOL! I will because I have faith in what my Father is working through me... Let's take this forgiveness journey together!

God has been showing me that there's no need to keep wallowing in guilt when I mess up, it's one of satan's favorite ways to keep us in bondage! Remember we are acquitted of ALL sin. God loves and values us to the degree that he gave his ONLY son and sacrificed him to atone for our sins!!! Just think of how high the price God paid for us...His OWN. This action Cleansed us of any shame, guilt or feeling unworthy for God. We are adopted into his family, we are his!!

Confession is good for the soul as is repentance. Repentance isn't a one time only deal we are called into repentance whenever we live unrighteously. Praying for our enemies is too required of us, though it may be the furthest thing from our mind, it is what our Father asks of us. Whenever I have angry or those 'movies', thoughts of those who've wronged me running throughly head; I try to immediately STOP, and pray for that person to be blessed by God, even if it's multiple times a day, ( which it often times is! ) regardless of the fact that my feelings don't match my actions... This practice keeps me refocused back onto God. But it can be exasperating! LOL!!!! Remember we are eternally forgiven...Hence so we should too...

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. ~1 John 1:9

He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesses and forsaketh them have mercy. ~Proverbs 28:13

Knowing this helps me when I give into or hang onto anger or resentment. We will spend our lifetime re learning how to live-God's way and that means falling off of the proverbial bike and getting right back on! His love isn't based on how we get along with one another, we are loved in Spite of these flaws! Hallelujah!!

Our actions, if we're living God's way are to rise above what our carnal minds tell us, it's about being dedicated to live like the example that God sent for us-Jesus. There will be times when God will remove people from our lives, [and we may be happy about it ] but it may be not be about you, but about them and what he's trying to achieve in their lives. The Lord stays busy organizing and running thangs! :() That what he does! He's the CEO The Chief Executive Officer of Everything! LOL!

Keeping in prayer and making time to be still with God is what re-grounds me. It brings me back to what I'm being taught and let's me know that it's alright that I don't FEEL what I'm being asked to do. I can't allow my feelings take precedence over God's laws... I'm getting better, although living with the hurt/anger must be, prayed on, repented and continuously given over to the Lord. I have to keep living it until I am it. Or like the saying; live the lie [just a euphemism!] until the lie becomes the truth! Fake it till you make it! :)

Satan's guilt hold over me, the net he's cast now has bigger holes as I have torn through with the love and infinite assurance of my Father. Now, those angry feelings still come, [ you bet they do! ], but I can re-adapt to my commitment to the Lord and his ways. Forgiveness is a hard road, but I keep walking, I keep faking it until I can make it...Amen!

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