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You Are Never Alone...

All great and precious things are lonely. ~John Steinbeck

[God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. ~Psalms 46:1]

Loneliness is one of the most widely experienced afflictions of the human condition. We're all sinners ["All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" ~Romans 3:23] and because of this sin nature we experience a spiritual separation from our Creator. [The result of sin is death, spiritual separation from God ~Romans 6:23]. However, God didn't just leave a homey hanging! :() He sent his son Jesus to die for us so that we can have an infinite relationship with him!

Ok, you're probably thinking, yes I know God is with me always but I still feel lonely! We all have. But that's exactly what I'm talking about. Maybe God chooses to leave this [thorn] under our skin while here on earth because he's trying to teach us, to show us how to faithfully trust in him. If he didn't leave us with this 'thorn' we as humans would never begin to confront those feelings of loneliness. Trusting that our Lord is with us at all times, knowing that his presence is there requires our total dependance and consistent connection to him. We must learn to trust that we are NOT alone. Company in the Lord is a different kind of 'company' than that of another person and not what many are accustomed to in fulfilling that emptiness.

Meditate on some of these scriptures in the quiet of your 'loneliness'...

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart And so not lean on your own understanding. ~Proverbs 3:5

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. ~James 4:10

Those who know your name will trust in you, for you LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you. ~Psalms 9:10

But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. ~Psalms 13:5

How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings. ~Psalms 36:7

[Who are you? See yourself through the Lord!]

In order to learn to have a spiritual connection-relationship we need to often pull out of the world and all of it's people. Human connections can sometimes crowd or cloud our direct line to the Lord. People become caught up with what their family or friends, boss, etc.. want, need or expect and that it leaves little room for God's expectations of us. We live in a society where people are becoming facsimiles of one another. A world where people are pressured to follow a certain way of thought and behaviors, a place where many aren't sure if their opinions/actions are their own or a part of the collective. [I think this is where introverts have a bit of a leg up because we aren't as concerned with being liked or popular or to be a part of any collective or what's considered 'normal' :() LOL].

[ Alice needed her spiritual mind to guide her our of the many precarious situations she got into! :() ]

Of course living within any society you will likely be effected in some ways, but, it's our responsibility to learn when to move down a different road, walk the narrow path.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for the wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: ~Matthew 7:13

We are called to become set apart not to 'follow the leader', but to follow our Creator. Remember we are living in a 'twilight zone' where things aren't exactly what or how they appear to be. If we continue to live our own way sans any connection or wisdom from our Father; we'll end up like Alice in Wonderland in an existence where we're completely ignorant as to how to survive in a 'surreal' and darker world.

[ It's all in our perspective ]

So we can make loneliness begin to work for us, to drive us into a relationship where we are desired, cherished and loved unlike any other. Loneliness can be a catalyst for a shift in perspective and moving away from feeling sorry for ourselves or getting into trouble from unwise decisions made from what one thinks they need instead of what one actually needs. Loneliness can create an inner struggle or pain that feels (so strong) that it precludes any thinking with the spiritual mind, and instead stems from our feelings which are often wrong or misleading- Yep those feelings can trick you up!!! :O How many kids (or adults) do you know who've been in trouble from actions they've taken because they were lonely and bored? ]

[ For Danica, being alone has been a somewhat common part of her journey, she's now learning to embrace her time in solace with the Lord. ]

[ Niki knows her Father is with her on her journey, she's aware that she's being refined and that she must cling to him and not the world! ]

Faith over sight means believing when we cannot see, so just because we're unable to see our constant companion doesn't mean that that's our reality, it's the opposite!

See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction. ~Isaiah 48:10 This has become one of my favorite scriptures through my recent difficulties! Oh, how the Lord's words comfort as I really begin to understand and cling to them! :)

This becomes all about digging into our trust, or child-like trust in our Lord. Believe and concede to the fact that we all have a space, gap that cannot be filled by people only by God. We need to make time to be still, to listen, to's ok, all of our senses don't have to be stimulated all of the time. Let's learn to just be...

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and to have it to the full. ~John 10:10

We must look away from the enemies lies and deceptions, he will lead us astray with disillusionment, discontentment, envy, and other feelings that cloud our Godly vision...

Let's put on our armor and fight back against the theft of our minds!!!

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