[ Seek him, get lost in him to find the way...]
I challenge anyone to disagree that we're living in times which are growing darker by the day. We all feel it, even those who don't necessarily understand what they're feeling. Many of us are withstanding more and more fall outs, disparities, betrayals, living and health challenges and a multitude of other circumstances that carry us away from life as we once knew it to be. Our planet is experiencing the stress and is groaning and often giving way under the spiritually changing times.
We are being called out by our Lord; challenged to wake up, come to attention, listen and 'take a knee' to Him! We are being shaken to our core, disciplined, and shown to take heed our lives in all of it's day-to-day 'normalcy' so that we can start living God's normal, which isn't the 'new normal', it's the REAL normal.

As we stand witness to our societies, our nations, our world being re-ordered in disorder we are called to come to God's order. [Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all long-suffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting. ~1Timothy 1:16] We don't have any control over how this world is being led but we do have control over how we witness to it. God set a pattern to be followed that's never outdated, behind the times or unreliable. How can it be, he created it FOR us. God's pattern's are not negotiable, or up for our votes or even our approval. He created this world and us for himself, not the other way around.

[ Violet and Willow cozy up by the fire as they set fire to their hearts and minds in the ways of the Lord! ]
Our Father has provided us with an arsenal of tools that give us just what we need to come into Christ Jesus, to exercise, strengthen and grow our faith in and through him. We're being groomed for perilous times such as these and worse. It's our responsibility to make use of our tools and weave them throughout our daily lives. There is an achievable peace to be had while her on this earth, but it's isn't those ['I want world peace'] euphemisms we've been spoon fed over the years.

God's peace comes through to us from having a relationship with him, understanding his Word, seeking guidance, praying and having blind faith through all circumstances and living in obedience to him. [Our peace] comes from the fact that he is and will be with us [and us with him] indefinitely, that he is our Father, our Lord and our first and most trusted friend [above all others] and that in spite of these malevolent times, God will win the end game above all enemies!! [~And the LORD, he that is doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed. --Deuteronomy 31:8]

Making our faith and God's Word a priority is akin to ensuring that you have meals each day or water, air. We will suffocate without faith and surely fall victim to the wiles and tricks of this world. Without our faith/the Word we walk blindly into all circumstances, navigating by our [own means] and falling further into chaos either self imposed or circumstantial. Does living by faith and God's word preclude us from these circumstances? No, we may experience even deeper ones [troubles] carefully designed by our Lord in His will for our good. We won't always have understanding of the why's so we must be in shape with our faith! :()

[ Let's change the reflection we see or strive to see. When we are reflections of our heavenly Father we see our true selves. ]
[The LORD taketh in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy. ~Psalm 147:11]
[He telleth the number of stars; he callers them all by their names. ~Psalms 147:4]
Our Lord knows and understands us intimately, better than we could ever know or understand ourselves. I believe we all fall victim to feelings of frustration or disappointment with ourselves, for how we behave[d], feel, react or think. We fail to understand our actions or we do but fail to change our behavior [subconsciously] or consciously. We can all take comfort in the fact that our Father knows this too and is by our side through it all.

[ Focus up, the map is right there! ]
He wants to take that pressure off of us by helping us to take our focus off of understanding ourselves and onto learning who he is, his ways because the more we grow to understand God the better we will finally grow to understand ourselves! I love this :() because it pushes me, encourages me to stay in Him and out of myself and the world!! Whew!! Our Lord wants this for all of us, he points us in a better direction but we must be willing to read the 'map'. By staying in his Word, fostering a relationship [He desires most] and following his laws we won't succumb to the world no matter how it changes because we will live in a better place; right along side our Father...
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