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Aging Is A Gift, Not A Curse

As those of us who are knowledgable in God’s Word know; the things in and of this world are backwards and twisted.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind ~ Romans 12:2

We are trained practically from birth to detest aging (except for that brief period when kids long to be of a particular age to gain the ‘freedom’ as they see it, to do as they please).

Birthdays are met with disdain, jokes and a drive to act, look and prove one is still of value. However, we are aren’t we; valuable, vibrant, WORTHY

In the eyes of our Lord, we are all those things. He teaches us our worth, our beauty, our success all stem from who we are in Him, not who we’re deemed to be by society or other people.

Why is this such a difficult concept to grasp? Simple: brainwashing, it starts early and never ends; that is if you buy into it…

So where do we draw the line? Wrinkle creams, plastic surgery, behaving out of character to appear youthful?? Those are questions only you can answer with the help of our Lord.

I personally like the stage of life I’m in now. I’m much wiser as my relationship with the Lord has deepened and I’m learning to lean on Him in all times, and embrace His wisdom over man’s. Do I dye the grey out of my hair? (yes) Will I continue to succumb to this? I don’t know.

What I do know is the pressure to look or be a certain way is diminishing for me… I like who I’m becoming in the Lord. There’s a sense of peace when I tackle issues like this because I’m not looking for human validation, simply my own satisfaction as long as it please Him.

I take care of myself because this body, is on loan from our Lord, and he desires for me to, and because I want to be as strong and as healthy as possible to accomplish what I’m purposed to do here. The only ‘pressure’ I feel is my inner demons, fighting my sweet tooth, my ability to talk myself out of working out, or not feeling like doing my physical therapy exercises, or eating what I want in spite of my food allergies! (self Control) I deal with those internal pressures through prayer for the strength that I don’t always have, and by remembering how good the end result feels then I win out over those inner demons!

I treasure the wisdom I’ve gained and look forward to my future growth. I spend more time appreciating God’s gifts to this world, through nature, laughter, loving, my favorite fruits, breathing…

Yes aging is indeed a gift one so many are denied

For which cause we faint not; but through our outward man perish, yet the inward (man) is renewed day by day ~Corinthians 4:16

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